Sound Guided Tissue Regeneration

Spatial patterns of cells, organoids, or inorganic particles can be forced on demand using acoustic surface standing waves, such as the Faraday waves. This technology allows tuning of parameters (sound frequency, amplitude, chamber shape) under contactless, fast and mild culture conditions, for morphologically relevant tissue generation. We call this method Sound Induced Morphogenesis (SIM). We use SIM for morphogenesis induction and further explorations in the regenerative medicine and cell therapy fields.
Our activities are articulated around the translation of innovative biofabrication technologies for the repair of musculoskeletal disorders and development of cutting-edge 3-D in vitro disease models for drug screening and personalized medicine. To do that, we use our sound wave-based approach and other external fields (e.g. light, magnetic, electric) for contactless cell assembly and stimulation.
Selected collaborative projects
- PREMUROSA, H2020 MSCA – ITN 2019 "Precision medicine for musculoskeletal regeneration, prosthetics, and active ageing"
- FLAMIN-GO, H2020-NMBP-TR-IND, "From pathobiology to synovia on chip: driving rheumatoid arthritis to the precision medicine goal"
- E - RegenMed2.0, Eurostar, EU
- STRATAGEM New diagnostic and therapeutic tools against multidrug resistant tumours. Cost Action1710
Selected scientific publications
- Xu Y, Yin H, Chu J, Eglin D, Serra T, Docheva D.
An anisotropic nanocomposite hydrogel guides aligned orientation and enhances tenogenesis of human tendon stem/progenitor cells. (2021) Biomater Sci. - Petta D, Basoli V, Pellicciotta D, Tognato R, Barcik J, Arrigoni C, Della Bella E, Armiento AR, Candrian C, Richards RG, Alini M, Moretti M, Eglin D, Serra T.
Sound-induced morphogenesis of multicellular systems for rapid orchestration of vascular networks. (2020) Biofabrication 13 015004 - Augurio A, Cortelletti P, Tognato R, Rios A, Levato R, Malda J, Alini M, Eglin D, Giancane G, Speghini A, Serra T.
A Multifunctional Nanocomposite Hydrogel for Endoscopic Tracking and Manipulation. (2020) Adv. Int. Syst., 2019, 1900105. - Tognato R, Armiento AR, Bonfrate V, Levato R, Malda J, Alini M, Eglin D, Giancane G, Serra T.
A StimuliāResponsive Nanocomposite for 3D Anisotropic CellāGuidance and Magnetic Soft Robotic. (2019) Adv. Funct. Mater., 29, 1804647.