Prof Wei Jie

Prof. Wei Jie worked at Beijing Ji Shui Tan Hospital since 1982. He was an AO fellow at Regionalspital Interlaken, Switzerland, in 1986. His AO teaching experience started as a table instructor at the first AO course in Beijing, in 1989. He remained a dedicated AO faculty member until his death.
Prof. Wei made a significant contribution to the translation of the second edition of the AO Principles of Fracture Management and AO Surgery Reference into the Chinese language.
He was the AO Trauma China Education Officer, and it is thanks to his guidance and vision that we witnessed the success and steady growth of AO education in China.
An outstanding surgeon and a compassionate teacher, his sense of humor endeared him to people all over the world, he was a man who truly lived the AO spirit. He will be missed.
He died on December 9, 2020, in Beijing, China.