3D sound induced morphogenesis (3D-SIM)



Throughout the BRIDGE funding period, a novel 3D cell technology, named 3D Sound Induced Morphogenesis (3D-SIM) was developed. More specifically, the generation of a first 3D-SIM prototype to be: 1/ easily implemented into laboratory environment (small, portable, suitable for sterile setting), 2/ affordable and user friendly, and 3/ able to create 3D cell models in a time effective manner, with sufficient spatial complexity, retaining cell viability was achieved. Finally, functionality evaluation of 3D-SIM tech was done through a proof of concept in vitro cell model: a 3D vascularized construct. The patent: "Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) 3D-Printing Method", filed in August 2017, was further improved with detailed data from BRIDGE project and submitted to the international patent application (PCT) published in February 2019. Moreover, to get more visibility, both in the industrial and academic environment, outcomes from the project have been presented in different international conferences such as the TERMIS-EU in Rhodes, the European Society of Biomaterials in Maastricht, the International Society of Biofabrication in Wurzburg where the first prize for outstanding achievements in the field of biofabrication and 3D cell assembly was given to the project. A start-up company, named MimiX Biotherapeutics Ltd was created in Autumn 2019. 


BRIDGE (nr 20B1-1_178259) CHF 130'000, Period: 2018-2019.


  • Publication

    Petta D, Basoli V, Pellicciotta D, Tognato R, Barcik JP, Arrigoni C, Della Bella E, Armiento AR, Candrian C, Richards RG, Alini M, Moretti M, Eglin D, Serra T. Sound-induced morphogenesis of multicellular systems for rapid orchestration of vascular networks. Biofabrication. 2020 Sep 25.

  • Presentation

    Pellicciotta D, Richards RG, Eglin D, Alini M, Serra T. A sound-induced technology for multiscale organization of perfusable micro-vessels networks TERMIS EU, Rhodos, 2019, p. 1358 / 819 (eCM coll).

    Serra T, Pellicciotta D, Basoli V, Della Bella E, Armiento AR, Richards RG, Alini M, Eglin D. Spatially orchestrated micro-vessels networks via acoustic waves cell patterning, SSB+RM Swiss Conference on Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine eCM Periodical: Abstract Collections Muttenz, 2019, p. 10.

    Serra T. A sound-induced technology for multiscale orchestration of functional vessels networks, ATSM 1st Advanced Therapies Science Meeting, Berlin, 2019.

    Serra T. A sound-induced technology for multiscale organization of perfusable micro-vessels networks, EMBL Symposium: Synthetic Morphogenesis, Heidelberg, 2019.

    Guex AG, Di Marzio N, Alini M, Serra T. Sound waves and biomaterials to re-create the extracellular matrix. 2021 TERMIS world congress digital (poster)

    Guex AG, Mecchi L, Alini M, Serra T. Spatial control over cell assembly by sound: towards a vascularised in vitro engineered osteochondral tissue. 2021 eCM cancelled (poster)/abstract published. https://www.ecmconferences.org/abstracts/2021/Collection3/poster.pdf

    Guex AG, Krattiger LA, Carrara BM, Alini M, Ehrbar M, Serra T. Cell density matters: Local cell density enhancement by sound to increase the therapeutic efficacy in regenerative medicine. 2022 TERMIS EU (oral)

    Guex AG, Krattiger LA, Carrara BM, Alini M, Ehrbar M, Serra T. Increasing local cell density by sound to engineer vascularized bone constructs. 2022 ICORS (oral)

  • Partner

    Moretti M (PhD), Swiss Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Switzerland

    de Bruijn J (Prof), Kuros Biosciences, Switzerland

    Millan C (PhD), CellSpring, Switzerland
