Operating room personnel share positive feedback on FEP

Operating room personnel (ORP) taking part in AO Faculty Education Program (FEP) at the AO Davos Courses 2022 have organized and supported 16 clinical training modules (CTMs) as faculty this year. These ORP faculty members described how their FEP training helped make their CTMs successful.
“The entire FEP was a good motivation itself to create a successful CTM,” said Maria Josefa Alfiler from Philippine General Hospital, Manila, Philippines, pointing out that information on presenting lectures and giving feedback was especially valuable. “The faculty education program is like a phenomenal camp, wherein a spectrum of learnings can be experienced, such as great mentoring, feedback system, the continuing enhancement of competencies in traumatology and, most of all, the spirit of togetherness it brings to the AO ORP around the globe.”
Arlee Saunders, representing the Royal Hospital Melbourne, Australia, called the FEP “a challenging but exciting learning experience.”
“It was invaluable being able to see how others in the AO ORP faculty identify the needs of their learners and then the different ways in which they seek to engage and teach them,” Saunders explained.
Aldijana Beganovic from University Medical Center in Ljubljana, Slovenia, highly valued the practical insights offered by the FEP.
“At [the] FEP, we actually got all the instruction about how to register a CTM, how to carry it out, and how to use [the] AO platform. We were definitely supported by the AO,” she said. “The FEP definitely gave me the key to unlock the lock between the lecturers and the listeners during the course.”
Vasiliki Orfanioti, General Hospital in Chania, Greece, called the FEP a “rich, valuable, and pleasant” educational activity.
“If I had to choose one of the things I've learned there, it [would] be definitely how to give and receive constructive feedback by creating a safe and positive environment,” she said, “and by asking and answering the two important questions: What went well and what would I go do differently next time?”
In the first six months of 2023, 36 CTMs encompassing 65 modules were conducted for 673 participants in 14 countries—proof that the CTM program for ORP is again picking up speed after the pandemic.
Watch the video:
Clinical Training Module for ORP, the Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia, 19 August 2023