AO Research Institute Davos medical research fellowships

The purpose of the AO Research Institute Davos fellowships is to provide motivated surgeons and scientists with on-site research training to gain experience in R&D projects focusing on relevant clinical problems. These fellowships are not clinical in nature and do not foresee any interaction with patients.
The application deadline for 2027 is September 30, 2025.
Decisions will be communicated by January 2026.
No more fellowships are available in 2025 and 2026.
Benefits of an AO Research Institute Davos fellowship
- Creation of tangible research results
- Possibility of a research publication as a co-author (depending upon fellowship time and level of input)
- Knowledge about how to approach research challenges
- Inspiration from being part of a world-renowned international multidisciplinary R&D team
- Inside knowledge of the AO
- Enlargement of personal network
- Certificate of AO Research Institute Davos fellowship
- Your choice of an AO book as a memento on completion of the fellowship
- One year free membership of appropriate clinical division
Application process
Please download, fill in the application form, and submit it along with your CV, a cover letter explaining your motivation, and two signed letters of recommendation giving contact details for your referees. An electronic copy of all certificates must also be attached. PDFs of all documents will be accepted.
Fellowship duration
Fellowships last twelve months (in exceptional cases this can be limited to six months, if sufficient justification is provided in the application). The application must be submitted by the deadline set for the year requested.
Before submitting
An AO Research Institute Davos fellow will be assigned to a project based on the applicant's indication of his/her areas of interest from among the AO Research Institute Davos Focus Areas (in order of preference), as stated in the cover letter and application form.
In addition, applicants must indicate which AO specialty they would like to be placed in contact with during the fellowship in their cover letter: AO CMF, AO Spine, AO Trauma, or AO VET.
Application review process
The application will be reviewed within AO Research Institute Davos and after a decision has been made (as outlined in the request guidelines), a letter informing the applicant of this decision will be sent. Successful applications will require a contract to be signed. The allowance to start will be dependent upon successful application for a work visa within Switzerland. A stipend for one person, covering living costs in Davos, will be provided. The stipend is not enough to provide for anyone else (eg, partner/children). You will not be able to bring your family to Davos during your fellowship, unless your visitors stay in a separate hotel or apartment. Our agreements with the tenants for single rooms are only for single use, and pets are not permitted. No support is offered to help applicants find accommodation for relatives. No support for visa applications for relatives, or for pet-related travel permits, is provided.
We encourage self-financed fellowship applications (from people who have been able to secure funding from their hospitals, national societies, education foundations, government grants, etc).
What AO Research Institute Davos fellows have to say

Dr Sonia Häckel, Department of Orthopedics Surgery, Inselspital Bern University Hospital, Switzerland
AO Research Institute Davos fellows
VET research fellows
Anas Datoussaid
Originally from Brussels, I was a student at the AO ARI Davos in 2023. Having graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) that same year in Belgium, I have the chance to return in 2024 for a fellowship. My thesis therefore deals with the application of mechanical engineering to the advancement of orthopaedic surgery. The AO research institute is the ideal place, in the ideal setting of the Alps, for me to develop my skills in this field while receiving clinical training in orthopaedic surgery through learning resources. With researchers from different academic backgrounds, translational research is even more appreciated here.Research fellows
Chencheng Feng
Department of Orthopedics,
Xinqiao Hospital, Army Medical University
Chencheng Feng is a deputy chief physician of spine surgery and an associate professor from the Xinqiao Hospital of Army Medical University. He has focused on the pathogenesis of intervertebral disc degeneration for decades. He is a one-year medical research fellow in the Regenerative Orthopaedics Program and participates in the investigation of the mechanobiological mechanisms of intervertebral disc homeostasis and degeneration using the 6-degrees-of-freedom bioreactor system. He appreciates the opportunity to deepen his research in the world-class AO team. He will keep a close cooperation with AO in his career. Moreover, he is excited to make friend all over the world.
Leopold Henssler
University Hospital Regensburg
Leo is a medical research fellow in the Infection Biology group. After studying medicine at the University of Regensburg, he has been working as a resident trauma surgeon in the Department of Trauma Surgery at the University Hospital Regensburg since 2019. During his clinical work, Leo is involved in routine trauma care, with a special interest in upper extremity trauma. In 2020, he also started working on a research project in the field of fracture-related infections in the Laboratory for Experimental Trauma Surgery in Regensburg, which was supported by the AO Trauma in 2022. To continue this project, he was given the opportunity to join the Infection Biology research group as a medical research fellow in the AO Research Institute's Regenerative Orthopaedics program, for which he is very grateful.
Moritz Kraus
Muskuloskelettal University Center Munich
Moritz is a resident in the Department of trauma surgery at the University Hospital Zurich under Prof. Pape. He graduated from medical school in Munich in 2023. There he did his thesis on machine learning methods for the early detection of physical frailty. As a Medical Research Fellow in the Biomedical Development Department at the ARI in Davos, he will work on new methods for tendon refixation and secondary osteosynthesis techniques for the treatment of unhealed fractures under the supervision of former fellow Torsten Pastor. He has been very well received into the biomechanical AO family in Davos and is very excited to gain new insights that will hopefully further improve future therapies for patients.
Fabian Pretz
Lucerne Cantonal Hospital
Fabian is a resident in the Department of Surgery at the Lucerne Cantonal Hospital under Prof. Beeres. He did his study of medicine in Magdeburg and Marburg (Germany) and started working in general surgery in Lucerne in 2020. During his clinical work as a resident, Fabian decided to focus more on trauma patients and conducted studies while still in clinical practice. In his time in the Biomedical Development Department at the ARI in Davos as a Medical Research Fellow, he will compare different osteosynthesis in osteoporotic proximal humerus fractures and also in clavicle fractures. Fabian is happy to be a member of the AO family and to be able to carry out biomechanical analyses on the various osteosyntheses.
Luise Puls
University of Basel
Luise is a 26-year-old AO medical research fellow in the Department of Biomedical Development. After graduating from medical school in Basel in 2021, she completed her first two years of residency at the Department of Surgery of the Hospital in Davos. During this time, she became highly interested in the field of fracture management. This motivated her to dedicate her four-month fellowship to investigate plate osteosynthesis. Luise is very much looking forward to this new and exciting experience and to expanding her knowledge and skills in this field. Afterwards, she will continue her orthopedic residency at the University Hospital of Basel.
Noemi Reinert
University Hospital Basel
I studied medicine at the University of Cologne in Germany and started my residency in orthopedic and trauma surgery in 2019 in Basel. I completed the majority of my training at the University Hospital Basel and I had the opportunity to join the Center of Musculoskeletal Infections (ZMSI) in 2021 with a growing interest in the field of bone and joint infections and the involvement in different research projects with a specific interest in fracture-related infection (FRI). In 2023 I completed my trauma level 1 training in Sion at the Hôpital du Valais with a high exposure to common bone injuries related to mountain sports trauma. As a medical fellow at the AO Research Institute Davos (ARI) in Infection Biology under the guidance of Fintan Moriarty, I am looking forward to gain more knowledge in basic research aspects in FRI and its treatment with an active participation on an in-vivo model on polymicrobial FRI.Luke Van Rossenberg
The Netherlands
University of Lucerne
My name is Luke, a 28-year old medical doctor, originally from the Netherlands. After finishing medical school, I started my residency (not in training) at the department of surgery in the Diakonessenhuis Utrecht. After a year of clinical work I progressed in my research endeavours and started a PhD at the University of Luzern in collaboration with the NEXT-study group. During my PhD program I have the opportunity to work as a medical research fellow at the Biomedical Development department of the AO Research Institute in Davos, where I will deepen my insights in biomechanical properties of osteosynthesis of the upper extremity. I am looking formward to acquire new skills and insights as well as (international) friendships.
Viktor Topuzyan
University Multiprofile Hospital for Active Treatment Burgas
My name is Viktor Topuzyan. I graduated from Medical University Varna “Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov”. Since then I have started my resident program in a town on the Black Sea coast called Burgas, where I was born and raised. Currently a second year resident at the clinic of Orthopedics and Traumatology , my interest in innovation and improvement has led me to begin my fellowship in the Biomedical Development Research program where I can test and compare a new prototype plate used for olecranon fractures with the conventional one hoping to provide a viable alternative to the operative treatment. My goal is to contribute to the research program in an effective way as well as further develop my skills and knowledge regarding trauma.
Although my journey in becoming a specialist in Orthopedics and Traumatology is still in its beginning stages, passing through the AO Research Institute alongside it is a great opportunity for me to be part of something bigger , a family which intends to improve the performance of surgical procedures and develop innovative technologies for unmet clinical needs.
Paula Margaret Cameron
French, Canadian
University of Bern
I recently graduated from the master’s program in biomedical engineering at the University of Bern with a specialization in biomechanics. I was born and raised in British Columbia, Canada and I studied Engineering Physics at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC, Canada, before moving to Switzerland for my master’s. I look forward to spending the next six months at the ARI as a Biomedical Development Research Fellow. I am eager to work with and learn from scientists, clinicians, and engineers from across the world in this highly interdisciplinary field, and to contribute to the research generated by the ARI.Christian Peez
University Hospital Münster
Christian is a 28-year-old AO medical research fellow in the Biomedical Development Department. After he graduated from medical school in Bonn 2019, he started his residency at the Trauma, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery department at University Hospital Münster in 2020. Christian is interested in knee surgery and sport injuries, and his scientific research the AO focuses on the proximal tibial and distal femur where new methods for treating unstable hinge fractures and distal femoral fractures are being biomechanically investigated. He's had a great start in the AO family and is looking forward to his 12-month stay at ARI.
Lotta Reimann
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Lotta is a 26-year-old veterinarian from Germany. In 2021, she finished her studies in veterinary medicine and graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover. Between her graduation and her fellowship, she worked as a veterinarian in a clinic for small animals in Germany. While she liked the diversity of cases she treated, her primary interest was to care for her surgical patients. As a Research Fellow at the Focus Area Surgery - Preclinical Services of the AO Research Institute Davos, she has the opportunity to be involved in a variety of interdisciplinary innovative research. For her, it is a great chance to enhance her abilities with scientific work. One of the ways she laid the foundation for this during her studies was through her two-month internship in the Focus Area Surgery - Preclinical Services in 2020. She is looking forward in participating in various animal projects to help overcoming different surgical issues and to collaborate with the interdisciplinary AO research team.
Niels Vanvelk
Erasmus MC, Rotterdam
My name is Niels Vanvelk, and I was born in Lanaken, Belgium. After getting my medical degree at the University of Leuven in 2018, I moved to the Netherlands and worked as a surgical resident at the Erasmus University Medical Center (Erasmus MC) and Ikazia Hospital in Rotterdam. During this time, I developed a special interest in trauma surgery and started a PhD to investigate novel strategies in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of fracture-related infections.
Till Berk
University Hospital Zurich
Till is a senior physician from the Department of Traumatology at the USZ. He graduated from medical school in Hamburg 2013. Since then, he has worked in various major hospitals in the field of traumatology and orthopedics. He is a specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery, a specialist in general surgery and a specialist in general medicine. His scientific research at the AO Davos focuses on the pelvis and femur. Here, among other things, new methods for treating unstable pelvic injuries are being biomechanically investigated. He has had a very great start in the biomechanics AO family in Davos and he is very excited to gain new knowledge that will hopefully further improve the future therapies of patients.Tatjana Pastor
University Hospital, Bern
Tatjana is working as a physician at the Department of Plastic and Hand Surgery. She graduated from medical school at Medical University of RWTH Aachen in 2013 and is working in Switzerland since 2014. After completing the Zurcher Handcurriculum at University Hospital Zurich, Balgrist and SchulthessKlinik, she received the specialist title as a handsurgeon and is now gaining more experience in severe hand and peripheral nerve injuries at the University Hospital Bern. She shows great interest in biomechanical testing of new implants for osteosynthesis and soft tissue to improve patient outcome and satisfaction.Maria Eugenia Pirera
My name is María Eugenia Pirera I was born in the city of Miramar, state of Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic. I studied Dentistry at the National University of La Plata and continued my specialty in maxillofacial surgery at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. In 2018 I did an AOCMF fellowship at the Universitatpital Basel where I discovered my passion for research to find therapeutic alternatives for patients. In 2020 I obtained a scholarship at Harvard University for the program of Global clinical Scholars Research Training where I expanded my knowledge in the field of research. I am currently starting as a Research Fellow Regenerative Orthopedics for a period of 1 year. I am very grateful to join the team and have the opportunity to gain experience in the field of tissue engineering research. I appreciate the varied cultural and interdisciplinary experience as I work at the AO Center and look forward to establishing long-lasting collaborators, friends, and mentors for my career.Rayna Mechkarska
University Multiprofile Hospital for
Active Treatment and Emergency Medicine „N.I.Pirogov“
My name is Rayna Mechkarska I was born in Sofia, Bulgaria. I studied medicine in Medical University of Sofia and I am specializing Orthopedics and Traumatology in the University Emergency Hospital "N.I.Pirogov". I am part of the Division of Hand Surgery. I am currently starting as a Research Fellow Biomedical Division. I am grateful to join the team and the division. With the AO methods and philosophy I'm going to develop my surgical experties. Also I am looking forward to make meaningful connections, friends and mentors. I am glad I am a small part of the transformation of surgery.Vuyisa Mdingi
South Africa
KwaZulu Natal
Vuyisa is a 33-years old Orthopaedic Surgeon from South Africa. He studied for his Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) degree at the University of Cape Town from 2006 to 2011. After completing his one year of internship and two years of community service, he served as a medical officer for three years. He then started his Orthopaedic residency in January 2018 and completed it in December 2021 at Grey's Hospital (Pietermaritzburg, South Africa) through the University of KwaZulu Natal. He is completing his Masters in Medicine degree in paediatric musculoskeletal infection. During his residency he showed a keen interest in orthopaedic-related research and aims to incorporate it in his clinical practice and become a true clinician-scientist. He is looking forward to his 12-month fellowship doing basic science research at the AO Research Institute Davos under the guidance of Fintan Moriarty in the Infection Biology team. During his time at the AO Research Institute Davos, he will study the impact of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) treatments on fracture-related infection.Georgi Raykov
Medical University Varna
“Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov”, Bulgaria
My experience in some of Europe’s most innovative clinics led me to the AO Research Institute in Davos, a major innovation hub in orthopedics and traumatology. Our project focuses on foot and ankle surgery as we strive to deepen the understanding in multiple aspects of this field, ultimately improving the care and recovery of patients. To work here as a Research Fellow in the Biomedical Development Program, partnering with a global team of outstanding colleagues, is an honor which I’ve long aspired to - and it wouldn’t have been possible without the guidance of my mentors in the Medical University “Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov” in Varna, Bulgaria.
André de Souza Salvatore
São Paulo State University
(UNESP – Botucatu Campus)
I am from São Paulo, Brazil. I finished my studies in veterinary medicine in December 2018 at the São Paulo State University (UNESP). During my veterinary program I had a special interest in Equine surgical and orthopedic approaches as well as a passion for research and the role of research into developing new diagnostic methods and treatments. Led by this passion, I sought to assist in a research project designed to investigate biomarkers for colic syndrome. After my graduation, I completed a one-year Internship at the Clinic for Horses at the Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover (TiHo). This experience was ideal for me to understand the complexity of each orthopedic case, as well as how the osteosynthesis technique must adapt to address and treat each case differently. By joining AO, I hope that by managing and assisting in a variety of animal projects, I will be able to better understand the science behind the complexity of osteosynthesis. In addition, I hope to use one of these projects as my dissertation for a doctorate degree. Furthermore, I hope to develop my surgical expertise, as well as my critical thinking. My final goal is to apply for an equine surgical residency in Europe, and I'm sure that I will be able to use the experience gained here in my future veterinarian career as an equine orthopedic surgeon. I hope to bring the AO methods and philosophy to my home country of Brazil, and assisting with other colleagues around the world ultimately contributing to bring a better understanding and outcome for equine orthopedic emergencies.Ferdinand Weisemann
BG Unfallklinik Murnau Ferdinand got his medical degree from the Medical University of Innsbruck in 2017 and afterwards began his residency in orthopedics and traumasurgery in the BG Unfallklinik Murnau. He is a medical research fellow in the Musculoskeletal Infection group focusing on diagnosis of septic pseudarthrosis and fracture related infections and its surgical treatments. Besides that, he is eager to get insights on the wide field of fundamental research undertaken at the ARI to get to know the latest treatment approaches and their clinical use.
Samson Arveladze
HaEmek Medical Center affilliated with Rappaport Faculty of Medicine of the Technion Institute of Tecnology
Samson is a 33-year-old, growing up in Moscow, Russia. Studied medicine at I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University and finished his MD degree in 2010. He wanted to try himself in a new country and moved to Israel. In Israel, he started a career in Rambam Medical center as an intern for one year. After the internship, he was recruited to the army and served as a battalion physician in IDF. During military service as a battalion physician in a front unit, he was involved in the treatment of many orthopedic cases. These experiences have taught him an important lesson about the value of life and brought me to the understanding that he wants to be an orthopedic surgeon. Subsequently, he started his orthopedic residency at HaEmek Medical Center in Afula and finished his residency in January 2021. During his residency, he showed interest in clinical research and understand the importance of integrating the research and clinical work. He realized that he wanted to learn more about basic science and particularly to better understand musculoskeletal infection, which led him to apply for a one-year fellowship at AO Research Institute. He was granted this fellowship to work under the supervision of Fintan Moriarty in the Musculoskeletal infection team.
Franziska Breulmann
University of Münster
Franziska is a 25-years old AO medical research fellow in the Regenerative Orthopedics Department. She studied medicine at the University of Münster, Germany, and graduated in May 2021. During her studies, she worked in a laboratory for sports medicine of the University of Münster and wrote her dissertation on the topic of shear stress- sensitive endothelial microRNAs in vitro and in vivo during high-intensity interval training. In her practical year she started clinical research on microRNAs at the department of trauma-, hand- and reconstructive surgery at the University Hospital Münster. She is looking forward to her 12-month stay at the AO Research Institute in Davos.
Helene Bumann
University of Basel
Helen graduated from the University of Basel in 2015. Since then, she has done residency in both orthopedic surgery and internal medicine. She received her diploma as a general practitioner in 2020. After that, she continued her surgical residency to specialize in orthopedics and additionally did some clinical research. With growing interest in basic science, particularly in biomechanics and regenerative technologies of the spine, she applied for a medical fellowship in Davos. Striving towards advancement, she is excited to be part of the team of Sibylle Grad "Disc and Cartilage Biology" to improve understanding and treatment of degenerative intervertebral disc diseases.
Phillipe Kastner
Kepler University Linz
Philipp is a 27-year-old orthopedic trauma surgeon from Linz, Austria. He studied medicine at the Medical University of Graz from 2013 to 2019. Afterwards he started his residency at the Department for Orthopedics and Traumatology (Prof. Gotterbarm) at Kepleruniklinikum Linz in 2020. Philipp is especially interested in hand-surgery and sports injuries. He is very thankful to be part of the AO Institute as a medical fellow for 12 months, where he will be working in the Biomedical Service division.
Firas Souleiman
University Hospital Leipzig
"Firas Souleiman joined the AO Research Institute Davos (ARI) as a Medical Research Fellow in April 2021. He is a resident at the University Hospital Leipzig in the Department of Trauma Surgery, Orthopedics and Plastic Surgery. He started his surgical training in 2017 after completing his medical studies in Leipzig. Firas is especially interested in joint and sport injuries. He is currently involved in research at his clinic to optimize pre- and intraoperative planning based on three-dimensional imaging. He was able to gain expertise in this context at international school competitions on the topics of 3D animation and technology problem solving ( Firas is very thankful to join the Biomedical Development Program here in Davos and is looking forward to new experiences and international exchange as part of the AO family."
James Tapia-Dean
University of Bern Vetsuisse Faculty
James is a newly graduated Vet from Bern Switzerland. During his studies, he spent a semester abroad in the small animal surgery department at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna. After developing an interest in orthopedics, he visited a AOVET osteosynthesis course. Having already had the opportunity to work at the Preclinical Facility at AO as an intern he is eager to continue his path and contribute to the field of research as a Fellow. Taking on new challenges and expanding his knowledge across the different branches of veterinary medicine is one of the key motivations in his young veterinary career.
Ken van Knegsel
Cantonal Hospital Lucerne
Ken was born in Eindhoven (Netherlands) and completed his medical degree at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) 2006 - 2015. He started his first two years of trauma and orthopedic residency in Zum Heiligen Geist Hospital Kempen (Germany) followed by two years of orthopedic surgery in Dreifaltigkeits Hospital Cologne (Germany). After four years in residency Germany, he moved to Switzerland to complete his residency at the Cantonal hospital of Lucerne. Under supervision of Prof. Knobe, he has the unique chance to do a 6-month medical research fellowship at the Biomedical Services division at AO Research Institute Davos. His interests lie within the biomechanical problems of trauma and orthopedics. Ken is looking forward to gaining more experience and exchanging professional and personal insights with the high variety of people and minds in Davos.
Ensi Zhao
Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong
Ensi Zhao was graduated from Sun Yat-sen University with master degree of clinical medicine. From August 2017 to July 2019, he worked as general orthopedic surgeon at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital and finished training for residency. After that, he worked as orthopedic surgeon and did some clinical research at the Seventh Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University till he has the opportunity to do 1 year research at ARI Davos. He got interest in regeneration and fixation of bones. He is honored to get the chance to study research techniques of regenerative orthopedics at AO.
Susann Bärtl
University Medical Centre Regensburg
Susanne is a trauma surgery resident, who is particularly interested in implant-associated bone infections in the field of trauma surgery and orthopaedics. After finishing medical school at Leipzig University, she started her residency at the Department of Trauma Surgery at the University Hospital Regensburg. There she has been involved in clinical research on the field of prosthetic joint infections and fracture related infections. Now at the AO, Susanne is going to work as a medical research fellow in infection biology with the regenerative orthopaedics program for 6 months. She is looking forward to learning from experts in research, gathering profound knowledge about musculoskeletal infections and building up international friendships and future collaborations with the AO Research community.Lena Gens
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Lena finished her studies in veterinary medicine in March 2020 at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover and is now doing a one-year veterinary research fellowship at the Preclinical Facility. She is interested in laboratory animal medicine and animal welfare research and wants to improve her knowledge and research skills during the fellowship. After the fellowship she wants to write a doctoral thesis in one of these fields, and aims for a career in veterinary research.
Jan Gewiess
University Hospital, Munich
Jan is a 26-year-old AO medical research fellow and is looking forward to his 12-month stay at the ARI Davos. After finishing medical school in 2018 at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany and writing his dissertation about the surgical management of complex proximal ulna fractures, he started his residency at the the 'Klinik und Poliklinik für Orthopädie, Physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation' at the University Hospital of Munich, Germany. His main interests include spine orthopaedics and orthopaedic sports medicine. Jan will be joining the Regenerative Orthopaedics division in 2020, where he will focus on the relation of detrimental intervertebral disc loading and back pain. Besides he will perform a histomorphometric evaluation of the distal clavicle.Wei Hao
Shandong Provincial Third Hospital
Wei Hao is a medical research fellow from the department of joint and sports medicine of Shandong Provincial Third Hospital. Dr. Hao is an experienced orthopaedic surgeon who has been performing clinical practices for up to 13 years. Before becoming an orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Hao finished his master and doctor degree at Fourth Military Medical University(now named as Air Force Medical University). During those time, he has made bone tissue engineering as the major research topic and finished experiments pertaining to bioengineering construct containing adipose-derived stem cell, collagen Ⅰ gel, and PLGA/𝛽-TCP in vitro and in vivo. Now he works as a medical research fellow in the regenerative orthopaedics group where he will focus on the osteogenesis of BMSCs on surfaces of different materials with microroughness. He is also keen on making friends with scientists working at AO foundation from all over the world.
Walker Magrath
Columbia University
Walker is a medical research fellow from the United States who studied biomedical engineering at Columbia University, where he graduated magna cum laude in 2019. He is an aspiring orthopaedic surgeon and plans to begin medical school in the US in August 2020. At Columbia, Walker was involved with a translational research group studying shoulder biomechanics. His group developed a clinical device to quantitatively characterize scapular dyskinesis in humans. Walker also worked with Columbia's Bone Bioengineering Laboratory where he studied osteocyte mechanosensation in murine models. Now he works as a medical research fellow in infection biology with the regenerative orthopaedics program. During his time at the AO Research Institute Davos, he will study the impact of the gut microbiome on fracture healing in a murine model.
Torsten Pastor
Cantonal Hospital Lucerne
Torsten was born in Germany and is currently employed at the Department for Orthopaedic Trauma (Prof. Knobe) at the Kantonsspital Luzern. He studied Medicine at the Medical University of RWTH Aachen 2007-2013 and started his residency at the department of surgery at Kantonsspital Nidwalden (Dr. Remiger) in 2013. Later he worked at the Department of Traumatology at the University Hospital Zürich (Prof. Pape) and at the Balgrist University Hospital (Prof. Farshad). Torsten is interested in skeletal biomechanics and is looking for new experience, exchange and collaboration. He is a medical research fellow in the Biomedical Services division at AO Research Institute Davos for 6 month.
Hella Schwegler
University of veterinary medicine Hanover
My name is Hella Schwegler and I`m 24 years old. I studied veterinary medicine at the university of veterinary medicine Hanover and did an exchange year on vet faculty at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. In my practical year I did research based internships all around the world, for example pedigree analysis on sharks in California, where I really enjoyed working in an international team. I am thrilled to broaden my personal and professional knowledge and learn from highly skilled individuals as well as an interdisciplinary team, while being involved in various preclinical research projects at the ARI.
Mai Vo
University of veterinary medicine, Hanover
Mai Thanh is a veterinary research fellow from Germany who just finished her studies this year at Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover. She is starting a fellowship in the Preclinical Facilities. During the time at AO Research Institute she is looking forward to improving her knowledge in research and working with an interdisciplinary team. It is a great opportunity to learn about preclinical research and gain more working experience in this field. Furthermore she wants to enjoy the wonderful and unique environment of Davos and Switzerland.
Catherine Young
University of Bristol
Katie is a Plastic Surgery resident with particular interest in infection post trauma. She studied both her undergraduate and medical degrees at the University of Bristol in the UK and then a Masters in Trauma Science at the University of Birmingham. Her surgical training to date has taken place in both London and Milan, during which she has been involved in both pre-clinical and clinical research. Whist at the AO, as a research fellow in infection biology with the regenerative orthopaedics program, Katie is looking forward to making international collaborations in the fight against bone infection. Outside of work she can be found running or skiing.