
The AO Trauma Residents education program offers a wide range of face-to-face and self-directed learning in orthopedic trauma management. It supports orthopedic trauma residents at all stages of their training and is based on twelve clearly defined competencies.

Residents education taskforce

The Residents education taskforce is a group of experts who build and continuously improve our educational program. It consists of three international program editors (IPEs).

Jason Lowe

Jason A Lowe (USA)

Term: 20252027

Sue Deakin

Sue Deakin (UK)

Term: 2023–2025

Khairul Faizi Mohammad

Khairul Faizi Mohammad (MY)

Term: 2023–2025

Regional Program Contributors (RPCs)

Asia Pacific:
Muhammad Farhan Mohd Fadil (Singapore)
Hyoung-Keun Oh (South Korea)

Europe and Southern Africa:
Annika Hättich (Germany)
Mehmet Ali Deveci (Türkiye)

Latin America:
Claudia Arroyo (Mexico)
André Wajnsztejn (Brazil)

Middle East and Northern Africa:
Ahmad Naser Bo-Eisa (Saudi Arabia)
Ahmed Al-Zubaidi (Iraq)

North America:
Jennifer Hagen (USA)
Milton Little (USA)

AO Curriculum Development Manager:

Sandipan Chatterjee

Past taskforce members

  • Past IPEs

    Narayan Ramachandran (Oman), 2022–2024
    Ingmar Buffo (Mexico), 2020–2022
    Mark Lee (USA), 2017–2022
    Kevin Smith (UK), 2017–2019
    Hatem Said (Egypt), 2015–2018
    Chanakarn Phornphutkul (Thailand), 2015–2017
    Miguel Triana (Colombia), 2014–2016
    James Krieg (USA), 2013–2016
    Fred Baumgaertel (Germany), 2009–2014
    Wa’el Taha (Saudi Arabia), 2009–2014
    Brian Bernstein (South Africa), 2009–2013
    Rodrigo Pesantez (Colombia), 2009–2012
    Jarek Brudnicki (Poland), 2009–2012
    Suthorn Bavonratanavech (Thailand), 2009–2011

  • Past RPCs
    Radu Fleaca (Romania)
    Steve Warner (USA)
    John Scolaro (USA)
    Apipop Kritsaneephaiboon (Thailand)
    Tomohiro Matsumura (Japan)
    Andrew Henry (UK)
    Akram Al Shoubaki (Jordan)
    Luis Ochoa Olvera (Mexico)
    Peter Brink (Netherlands)
    Mahmoud Odat (Jordan)
    Mark Reilly (USA)
    Carlos Dominguez (Mexico)
    Wilson Li (Hong Kong)
    Michael Sirkin (USA)
    Michael Baumgaertner (USA)
    Kodi Kojima (Brazil)
    Takeshi Sawaguchi (Japan)
    Emanuel Gautier (Switzerland)
    William Lavadia (Philippines)
    CW Oh (South Korea)
    Ki-Chul Park (South Korea)
    Mihail Rashkov (Bulgaria)
    Ziyad El-Qirem (Jordan)
    Ingmar Buffo (Mexico)
    Brett Crist (USA)
    Derek Donegan (USA)
    Paul Gladden (USA)
    Brad Yoo (USA)
    Marco Berlusconi (Italy)
    Talal Al-Kindy (Saudi Arabia)
    Vincenzo Giordano (Brazil)
    Chris Fang (Hong Kong)
    Anna Ekman (Sweden)
    Julian Salavarrieta (Colombia)
    Michael Leslie (USA)
    John Munz (USA)
    Yazan Hattar (Jordan)

Program description

The courses defined in the AO Trauma residents curriculum teach fundamental principles and current concepts in the treatment of injuries, incorporating the latest techniques in operative fracture management. They build the foundation for orthopedic trauma surgeons’ careers. Evidence-based lectures cover the key information, case discussions in small groups help participants understand decision-making and management skills, and practical exercises allow participants to practice the application of fixation techniques.

The AO Trauma basic principles course is the initial step along the path of lifelong learning in the area of operative fracture management and the focus of this course lies in the basic principles of fracture management. The AO Trauma advanced principles course builds upon the AO Trauma basic principles course and concentrates on the principles and techniques of operative fracture management in more complex injuries.

Events defined in the curriculum

AO Trauma Course—Basic Principles of Fracture Management (3 days)

AO Trauma Course—Advanced Principles of Fracture Management (3 days)


Target audiences

Basic Principles:

Doctors in surgical training

Doctors interested in furthering their knowledge and skills in operative fracture management

Advanced Principles:

Surgeons at the threshold of becoming independent

Participants who have completed the Basic Principles course

Resources for faculty

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AO Surgery Reference

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Members only

AO Videos

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E-learning modules

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AO Principles of Fracture Management

Third Edition

Mobile apps

A number of our educational offerings are optimized for mobile devices.

Courses and webinars

Explore our database and search for events on specific topics.


  1. Understand the concepts of stability, their influence on bone healing, and how to apply implants to achieve the appropriate stability
  2. Plan a treatment based on assessment, imaging, classification, and decision making
  3. Apply reduction techniques in fracture management with attention to the soft tissue
  4. Apply implants according to their properties utilizing different application techniques
  5. Assess and treat diaphyseal fractures
  6. Assess and treat articular and periarticular fractures
  7. Demonstrate strategies for assessing and treating open fractures and soft-tissue injuries
  8. Manage the polytrauma patient
  9. Evaluate, classify, and formulate a treatment plan for pelvic injuries and acetabular fractures
  10. Recognize risk factors and complications and manage accordingly
  11. Recognize and treat bone union disorders
  12. Recognize and manage special fracture circumstances

What does competency-based curriculum development mean?

Learn more


To address feedback or questions to this education taskforce, email the Curriculum Development Manager Sandipan Chatterjee.