
AO Trauma Podcasts

Listen to the podcast series on Mentor + Mentee Interviews and Orthopaedic Trauma Journal Club provided by AO Trauma North America, and broaden your perspectives for personal and professional development exploring dimensions of leadership with the AO Access podcast series.

Podcast series

Mentor + Mentee Interview Series

Listen to these masters tell stories from their careers and share advice on patient care, education, and work-life balance. 



Orthopaedic Trauma Journal Club Podcast

During this monthly series, interviews with authors of landmark orthopaedic trauma articles will be featured and discussed. The series will be based on anatomic location/injuries and will provide an opportunity to understand what prompted the study, how practice has changed, limitations and key take away points.
This series is designed for orthopaedic surgeons in academic or community settings who have an interest in orthopedic trauma. Residents and fellows will also find this series beneficial.



AO Access to success

Broadening your perspectives for better patient care.

AO Access podcasts