Call for applications: AO Trauma International Board Chairperson

We are pleased to announce the call for applications for the position of AO Trauma International Board Chairperson. We encourage all AO Trauma members who fulfil the eligibility criteria to apply for this position.

Terms of office

  • One (1) year as AO TIB Chairperson-elect
  • Three (3) years as AO TIB Chairperson (single term, non-renewable)
  • One (1) year as AO TIB Past Chair

Eligibility and requirements

Please see the detailed job description for the position here and apply before November 10, 2024.

Nomination and election process

  • Applications must be submitted through the online application system here
  • The Nomination Committee (NomCom) will review all applications and approve the eligible candidates
  • Online voting will start in mid-December 2024

Electorate and Voting Mechanism

Based on the AO TIB Terms of Reference, the following voting mechanism applies:


  • voting members of the TIB
  • voting members of the 3 global commissions
  • voting members of the 5 regional boards

Voting mechanism:

The election process is carried out

  • Anonymously according to a first-past-the-post logic via AO Foundation’s electronic voting tool LamaPoll
  • If a candidate reaches an absolute majority in any round, he/she is elected
  • The candidate with the least votes is eliminated at each round
  • Another round is carried out as long as no candidate reaches an absolute majority
  • At a parity of votes between remaining candidates, the AO TIB Chairperson has the casting vote

AO Trauma invites eligible candidates to apply now

If you fulfil the requirements provided in the job description, please use our submission tool to follow the submission process:

For any question, please email Sandy Rodgers Trüb.

Thank you for your interest and dedication to AO Trauma. We look forward to receiving your application.

Best Regards

AO Trauma International Board Nomination Committee

Wael Taha (Chairperson AO TIB)
Jorge Barla
Marco Berlusconi
Mandeep Dhillon
ElZaher Hassan