AO Trauma Course—Foot and Ankle Reconstruction
AO Trauma’s foot and ankle curriculum offers a wide range of competency-based activities and resources that support your educational needs. The Masters-level course is aimed at traumatologists, orthopaedic surgeons and other surgeons actively engaged in the treatment of foot and ankle fractures, who want to increase their level of specialization in lower limb treatment.
The courses are taught in a modular format. A limited number of evidence-based lectures cover the key information required. In practical exercises and cadaver workshops, participants are trained in the application of different techniques and approaches. Discussing cases in small groups helps participants to develop decision-making and management skills.
Why you should choose this course
Top national, regional, and international faculty
2-4 days in duration
For surgeons who already treat foot and ankle reconstruction
Network with colleagues from all over the world
CME credits
Course content
Course modules
- Module 1: Ankle arthritis
- Module 2:Hindfoot arthritis
- Module 3: Acquired flatfoot deformity
- Module 4: Cavus
- Special Module 5: Anatomical specimen workshops (full day workshops)*
- Recon Module 6: Tendon transfers/neuromuscular*
- Recon Module 7: Charcot*
- Recon Module 8: Midfoot reconstruction*
- Recon Module 9: The great toe*
- Recon Module 10: The lesser toes*
- Sports Module 11: Sports injuries*
*Up to 3 of these modules are taught per course, which varies by region. Check your chosen date and location for the full program.
Practical exercises
- Ankle fusion anterior
- Ankle fusion transfibular
- Ankle fusion with SCOPE for anatomical specimen workshop
- Subtalar bone block arthrodesis (reorientating distraction fusion)
- Hindfoot Arthrodesis Nail
- Calcaneal tuberosity
- Midfoot fusion bolt*
- Midfoot Charcot deformity correction*
- 1st MTPJ fusion*
- Scarf osteotomy*
- Lapidus*
- Brostrom/lateral ligament reconstruction +/- graft*
*Up to 3 of these practical exercises are carried out per course, which varies by region. Check your chosen date and location for the full program.
Course details may be subject to change. Please check your chosen date and location for the detailed program.
Target audience
- Foot and ankle specialists early in their careers
- Generalists (orthopedics) spending about 20 percent of their time on trauma (including community surgeons)
- Foot and ankle experts
- Trauma surgeons
The curriculum is based upon 8 competencies:
- Perform adequate clinical evaluation and workup
- Recognize the potential for higher complication rates in patients with comorbidities, and plan appropriately
- Apply appropriate timing and staging in the treatment of fractures and dislocations, including polytrauma
- Recognize the indications and goals for reconstruction and perform procedures or refer, subject to expertise
- Select and perform appropriate surgical procedures, including handling of soft tissue
- Apply the principles of internal fixation and bone healing, including minimally invasive surgery
- Educate the patient regarding rehabilitation and prescribe an appropriate program
- Recognize and manage early and late complications
What does competency-based curriculum development mean?
Foot and ankle education task force

Lori Reed (US)
Term: 2022–2027

Igors Terjajevs (LV)
Term: 2023–2025

Alexandre Godoy-Santos (BR)
Term: 2024–2026
See a full list of all regional program contributors and past international program editors.

“This curriculum redesign promotes interactive learning and offers a robust and flexible framework to build education that improves health care delivery. I'm sure it will equip our surgeon learners with better tools for improving their patients' outcomes.”
Stefan Rammelt (DE), former member of the foot and ankle education taskforce
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