From knowledge to hands-on: Basics in fracture treatment for ORP – Join us, expand your skills and become a member of our AO Trauma community!

Basel: 23.-24. Oktober 2023 and 25.-26. Oktober 2023

Lugano: 7.-8. November 2023 

ORP course

ORP courses in Basel and in Lugano:

  • AO Trauma Kurs: Prinzipien der Frakturbehandlung für Fachpersonal Operationsbereich
    Basel, Schweiz | 25.-26. Oktober 2023
    More information and registration 

  • AO Trauma corso: principi di base per la gestione del trattamento chirurgico delle fratture per TSO/infermieri strumentisti
    Lugano, Svizzera | 7.-8. Novembre 2023
    More information and registration