AO Trauma Switzerland: About us

Who we are—our mission

AO Trauma Switzerland is part of AO Foundation (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen), a worldwide leading network of medical professionals in the field of orthopedic trauma. Our mission is to improve trauma care for our patients by providing and supporting education and research for medical professionals in orthopedic trauma.

There are several educational events and at least one scientific reunion yearly in Switzerland.

All our activities are on a non-profit basis.

Our board members

Dr. Michele Arigoni
Spital Uster


PD Dr. Dr. Yves Acklin
Kantonsspital Graubünden Chur


Dr. Philipp Stillhard
Kantonsspital Graubünden Chur


Dr. Daniel Petek
Hôpital fribourgeois HFR

Community development

Dr. Ruth Gremminger
Kantonsspital Winterthur

Community development

Our honorary members

Urs Heim

Peter Matter

Stephan Perren

René Konrad Marti

Thomas Rüedi

Christoph Sommer

Nikolaus Renner

Claudio Gubser

Reto Babst

Reto Babst

How to become a Swiss Faculty



  • are a Board-certified Orthopedic or General Surgeon (FMH or equivalent)
  • have attended both AO Trauma Basic and Advanced Principles Courses
  • are an active Member of AO Foundation
  • are work-based in Switzerland
  • have sufficient English proficiency for presentations in English

Submit your CV and motivation letter to


Stefanie Soos

Stefanie Walser

AO Trauma Switzerland
Clavadelerstrasse 8
7270 Davos

Mobile: +41 79 459 19 31
Fax: +41 81 414 22 83 

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Fellowship and Research

AO Trauma Switzerland


ORP Switzerland

Swiss Community News

News from AO Trauma Switzerland


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