One AO 2021: Reflections

Listen to the One AO 2021 Theme Song, browse illustrated highlights, and watch full-length recordings of each presentation

One AO 2021 featured a distinguished line-up of speakers discussing innovations across science, medicine, patient care, and learning.

Over 350 attendees from 61 different countries joined our first-ever virtual conference to participate in these discussions as well as contribute their ideas to the creation of the One AO 2021 theme song (above) performed at the end of the event.

One AO 2021 program and speaker information.

Outstanding Live Scribe illustrations

Missed the event or didn't get to see the drawings showcased while you were there?

Click below to "read" the highlights from each talk in a delightful visual format.

Speaker Recordings

Susan R. Weiss, PhD and Mathai Mammen, MD, PhD
Stephen K. Klasko, MD, MBA
Rishi Desai, MD, MPH and AO North America Panelists
Chad Gordon, DO, FACS

What you said about One AO 2021

The 2021 virtual edition of AO NA’s One AO was an eye-opening, fast-paced four hours of 'reality TV' that drove home how this modern plague (Covid 19) catalyzed remarkably successful innovations in science, educational methods, and healthcare delivery itself. Kudos to the experts and all others involved.


Michael Baumgaertner, MD

I think AO North America recognizes that creating the best surgeons requires an integrated approach.

We shouldn’t just teach surgical skills—we should provide education about the big picture, too.  One AO is an ongoing answer to that need.

In an average day, we can clock the number of hours we spend in a surgical suite, but how often do we take the time to come together and talk about what happens in between?

One AO is a unique experience and opportunity to discuss, at a very high level, the jobs we do, the world we live in, and how those things intersect. 

It’s also an incredible opportunity to bring people together and make connections across different medical communities and disciplines.


Samantha Morello, DVM, ACVS Diplomate

One of the most exciting things about One AO 2021 was the diversity of its program.

The unprecedented challenges the world faced in 2020 required an innovative approach for clinical, scientific, and academic activities to keep patient care at high levels.

Indeed, One AO 2021 was a successful event built around Innovation and maintained the main principles of AO NA.


 Younes El moudni, MD

The discussions on where the industry is heading were thought provoking and the panel discussions were an excellent showcase of how the various disciplines can learn from one another.


David Dycus, DVM, MS, CCRP, DACVS

This program was exceptional, and I think it hit on points required for us to continue pursuing innovative educational modalities and treatment techniques that offer our patients the best possible care.


Robert McGuire, MD

One AO 2022: Experience "Connection"

Join us next year face-to-face at the Wild Horse Pass Resort in Arizona, February 10-13, 2022