AO Trauma Hand NA Series—'3 Cases' Fireside Chats

Nine online sessions of case-based practical insights from hand faculty, therapists, and sages

Sessions occur January 2025 through December 2025


This AO Trauma Hand NA '3 cases' series is designed to help surgeons focus on the operative procedure(s) that are being discussed during each session and understand the indications, surgical technical steps, pros and cons, surgical pearls and pitfalls, and management of complications. The faculty will consist of a moderator, one faculty, a ‘sage’ and a therapist (when indicated).

The moderator will lead the discussion and the topic will be summarized via three cases.

  1. The first case will illustrate the subject matter including the presentation, diagnosis, treatment options and expected outcomes.
  2. The second case should illustrate a case of ‘how I do it’ from the sage.
  3. The final case will highlight a complication related to the treatment and how to manage it.

Most sessions will also include participation by one of our hand therapy faculty who will provide a hand therapist’s perspective in the postoperative therapeutic management of that particular surgical procedure. 

Directly provided by AO North America.

  • Learning objectives
    Upon completion of this series, participants will be able to
    Identify radiographic indications for surgical procedure being discussed
    Identify and understand clinical criteria required for the indication of this procedure
    Define appropriate surgical anatomy and surgical steps in the execution of the procedure
    Recognize possible pitfalls and develop strategies to avoid them and methodology to deal with them should they arise
    Review pertinent literature regarding procedure being discussed and its outcomes

  • Who should attend

    Community-based trauma orthopedic hand surgeons, fellows, and residents

Event calendar

Event topic Guest Sage Date Time*
Session 1: PIP FX Dislocations Dr. Hill Hastings Jan 30, 2025 7:00 PM
Session 2: Zone II Flexor Tendon Injuries
Dr. Jin Bo Tang Feb 20, 2025 7:00 PM


*Eastern Time (GMT-4:00)