AO VET membership
Join your community of peers and get access to a variety of resources and privileges as an AO VET member.
Member benefits include
- Teach at AO VET NA events
- Discount on course registration fees
- Full access to AO Surgery Reference Veterinary
- Access to AO VET CaseBase
- Access to videos and webinars
- Access to AO PEER (research education platform)
- Fellowship opportunities
- Direct access to Orthovetsupersite*
- Online access to VetMed Resource (CABI)*
Journals & publications
- 10% discount on AO Publications
- Online access to ScienceDirect*
- Online access to VCOT*
- Online access to Veterinary Surgery*
Special privileges
- Access to the member directory*
- Be a voting member of AO VET NA
- Receive the AO VET NA newsletter
*Membership Plus only