AO Recon NA Principles of Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty

Develop decision-making and surgical management skills for achieving best possible outcomes in primary arthroplasty.

Multiple dates and locations available.

Course chair Daniel Berry, MD discusses features of the Principles of Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty course

Read the transcript of this video and more in "AO Recon Comes to North America."


Principles of Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty is a modular and highly interactive course that will help participants develop decision-making and surgical management skills for achieving best possible outcomes in primary arthroplasty. Participants will have opportunities to template and plan lab exercises and share their experiences with faculty and peers.

Learning will be delivered through

  • Short, evidence-based lectures
  • Moderated small group case discussions
  • Hands-on practical exercises with a 4:1 participant-to-faculty ratio


Directly provided by AO North America.

  • Learning objectives
    Upon completion of this event, participants will be able to
    Identify patient’s reconstructive surgery needs
    Adopt a patient-centered approach
    Anticipate, recognize, and stratify potential complications
    Describe and discuss safe and effective procedures for primary arthroplasty
    Discuss the management of early and late problems or complications
    Communicate and facilitate a multidisciplinary team-based approach
    Apply best practice to optimize and document patient outcomes

  • Who should attend

    Second, third, and fourth-year orthopedic surgery residents.

Event calendar

Course/Event Date Location Register 
Principles of Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty  April 23-24, 2025  Henderson, Nevada Register

Principles of Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty

June 6-7, 2025  Charlotte, North Carolina Register
Principles of Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Oct. 3-4, 2025 Baltimore, Maryland Register
Course Chairs Henderson, NV: April 23-24, 2025

 James Howard, MD, MSc, FRCS(C)

Kevin Perry, MD

Course Chairs Charlotte, NC: June 6-7, 2025 

Michael Huo, MD

UT Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Dallas, Texas


Young-Min Kwon, MD, PhD

Course Chairs Baltimore, MD: October 3-5, 2025

Michael Huo, MD

UT Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Dallas, Texas


Adam Hart, MD, MSc