Online learning is here to stay: perspectives on online teaching and learning

Online learning is here to stay, so the AO Education Institute (AO EI) asked AO Spine Education Commission Chairperson Emre Acaroğlu and recent AO Foundation Training for Online Faculty (TOF) graduate Judit Priskin their thoughts on the medium.
In this video, Acaroğlu discusses how his recent master's degree in online education helped put him into the shoes of the learner, what he sees as the many advantages of online learning, and shares with you what his favorite part of online teaching is.
Always eager to ensure a fully rounded view of AO education, the AO EI asked Priskin (Hungary) to share her thoughts, as well.
AO EI: You recently took part in the AO Foundation Training for Online Faculty. Did you have any expectations about the course prior?
Priskin: I was really curious and also skeptical as I am not a big fan of online trainings. I participated in some but I didn’t feel them effective and most of them were boring for me, mostly due to technical errors.
After the course do you feel prepared to teach online?
Priskin: The course was overall a nice surprise. It was a unique experience to learn online how to teach online. I learned not just how to facilitate learning but got familiar with how participant feel and act during this type of training. The weekly sessions were great and helpful not just for online but also real-life teaching. I really liked the experience and advice from the other participants as well.
The AO is committed to providing training and support to its online faculty in order to provide course participants with the best education experience possible.