AO Spine Knowledge Forum Degenerative
AO Spine KF Degenerative is working on exciting and innovative projects to understand and treat degenerative spinal disorders. They have ongoing projects on classifying and refining best uses of biologics in spine and on clinical questions regarding the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine.
They are welcoming members that are interested in any of their ongoing projects.
Ongoing research projects
* AO Spine DegenPRO
Prospective international multicenter registry about surgical treatment of degenerative spine conditions and the use of osteobiologics
Principal investigator:
S. Tim Yoon
Co-Principal investigator:
Jeffrey Wang
The aim is to better understand degenerative spinal disorders and what kind of biologics are used in degenerative cases by assessing their effectiveness in terms of patient-reported outcomes, complications, and fusion rates.
Specific Topics:
AOSpine Surgical Treatment of Lumbar Spondy (STL-Spondy)
Investigators: Patrick Hsieh and Michael Virk
The goal is to investigate the difference in clinical outcomes of common surgical procedures for degenerative spondylolisthesis.AOSpine Interbody Materials for Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (IM-ACDF)
Hans Jörg Meisel and Amit Jain
The goal is to understand and compare structural allograft vs. PEEK-based interbody devices in the anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) procedure with respect to fusion rates, rates of secondary surgery, and patient-reported Identifier: NCT02802033
AO Spine Guideline for Using Osteobiologics in Spinal Degeneration Cases (AO-GO)
Principal investigator:
Hans Jörg Meisel
Co-Principal investigators:
Jeffrey Wang, Zorica Buser
Aims to formulate precisely defined, clinically relevant and internationally applicable guidelines ensuring evidence-based, safe, and effective use of osteobiologics, considering regional preferences and cost-effectiveness. The study follows GRADE approach, and the current research focus is on anterior cervical discectomy and fusion.
Fusion Criteria after ACDF
Defining the radiographic criteria of fusion status after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) – An AO Spine Knowledge Forum Degenerative Study
Principal investigator:
Christopher Martin
Co-Principal investigators:
Daniel Riew, Tim Yoon
The purpose of this study is first to assess the performance of practicing surgeons in measuring inter-spinous process motion across a variety of patient images and in a variety of practice settings. In the second phase, the results of this study will help to define the radiographic criteria of fusion status after ACDF.
AO Perioperative Management (POMa) of Adult Deformity or Degenerative Spine – Cooperation of Knowledge Forum Deformity and Knowledge Forum Degenerative
Principal investigator (KF Degen Side):
Matthew Gary
Co-Principal investigators (KF Degen Side):
Ho-Joong Kim, Samuel Cho, Tim Yoon
The purpose of this study is to first understand the global variability in the intra- and postoperative management of patients undergoing spinal fusions through a survey to the global AO Spine community and comparison of its results to the existing guideline. Guidelines about perioperative management will be developed as the second phase of the study.
Spondy Core Outcome Set
AO Spine Knowledge Forum Degenerative Lumbosacral Spondylolisthesis Standard Core Outcomes Set
Principal investigator:
Waeel Hamouda
Co-Principal investigators:
Sathish Muthu, Zorica Buser
The purpose of this study is to develop a set of standardized core outcome measures for patients who underwent treatment for symptomatic degenerative lumbosacral spondylolisthesis, which are relevant for clinical assessment and functional improvement as well as being measurable, and feasible for collection in daily practice.
Guideline about Heparin Use
Guideline Development on use of UFH (unfractionated heparin) and LMWH (low molecular weight heparin) following Lumbar Fusion Surgery, in cooperation with EANS and EUROSPINE
Principal investigator:
Andreas Demetriades
Co-Principal investigator:
Tim Yoon, Sathish Muthu
The purpose of the current study is to develop a guideline for the use of heparin following lumbar fusion surgery.
AO Spine Bone Osteobiologics and Evidence Classification (BOnE Classification)
Principal investigator:
Tim Yoon
Co-Principal investigators:
Zorica Buser
Aims to develop a framework to evaluate the level of evidence supporting the use of bone grafts. It will help surgeons to understand the quality of the information that is provided for each product used
AO Spine Rare Lumbar Complications
Incidence of Post-operative Rare Complications after Lumbar Spine Surgery: a Multicenter retrospective study based on prospective data collection (investigator initiated study)
Principal investigator:
Christopher Martin
Co-Principal investigators:
Zorica Buser, Jeffrey Wang
The purpose of this retrospective multicenter case series is to identify the incidence of specific rare lumbar spine complications, associated risk factors, as well as outcomes and treatments of those complications. The findings will help with treatment planning and patient counseling. In addition, this study will be used as a research training platform for young surgeons and fellows.
Completed research projects
* Biologics Health Technology Assessment
Health technology assessment (HTA) on biologics in spine surgery
Principal investigator:
All steering committee members
Aimed to perform three systematic reviews to assess the efficacy and safety of:
- ICBG compared with other types of autograft;
- allograft compared with all other types of graft;
- DBM compared with autograft, allograft or other bone graft substitutes in cervical and thoracolumbar fusion;
- and the use of stem cells in spine degenerative conditions.
Biologics Retrospective
Insurance database
Principal investigator:
Jeffrey Wang
Aimed to mine large databases of HIPAA-compliant orthopedic and non-orthopedic records that contain charging, reimbursement, cost, diagnosis, procedure, hospital, patient demographic, and co-morbidity data, and other related data that enables us to evaluate the costs and care patterns for health care services: evaluation of the trends, complications, and costs associated with the use of biologics in spine surgery
ACDF Survey
Survey on the current use of structural and non-structural graft materials among spine surgeons worldwide
Principal investigator:
S. Tim Yoon
Aim was to learn what kind of graft materials spine surgeons around the world use generally for their ACDF procedures
Do prophylactic antibiotics reach the operative site adequately?
A quantitative analysis of serum and wound concentrations of systemic and local prophylactic antibiotics in spine surgery
Principal investigator:
Arun Kumar Viswanadha
Co-Principal investigator:
Naresh Babu J
Aims to analyze serum and wound concentrations of antibiotics administered by two different routes i.e. systemic and intra wound application
Macrophage therapy for intervertebral disc herniation (McDISC)
Principal investigator:
Carla Cunha
Co-Principal investigator:
Susana G. Santos, Mário A. Barbosa, Paulo Pereira
Aims to demonstrate and define the role of macrophages in hernia regression
Decay Variance
A Novel MRI Tool for Quantifying Intervertebral Disc Degeneration in Low Back Pain
Principal investigator:
Kyle Sheldrick
Co-Principal investigators:
Ashish Diwan, Uphar Chamoli
Aims to establish the normal values for human intervertebral discs using the Decay Variance technique and determine whether these values differ in people suffering chronic low back pain
KF Degenerative Steering Committee
S. Tim Yoon
Emory University
Atlanta, USA
Zorica Buser
Co-chair elect
NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Brooklyn, NY, USA
Samuel K. Cho
Co-chair elect
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,
New York, NY, USA
Ashish Diwan
University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia
Amit Jain
Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, USA
Andreas Demetriades
Royal Infirmary Edinburgh, Scotland
United Kingdom
Patrick Hsieh
USC Spine Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Christopher Martin
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN, USA
Daniel Riew
Columbia University Irving Medical Center
New York, NY, USA
Gianluca Vadala
Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome
Rome, Italy
KF Degenenerative Advisory Board
Jeffrey C. Wang
USC Spine Center
Los Angeles, USA
Hans Jörg Meisel
BG-Clinic Bergmannstrost
Halle, Germany
KF Degenerative Associate Members
Viswanadha Arun Kumar, Mallika Spine Centre, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Giovanni Barbanti-Brodano, Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli, Bologna, Italy
Juan P. Cabrera, Hospital Clínico Regional de Concepción, Concepción, Chile
Stipe Ćorluka, University Hospital Centre Sestre Milosrdnice, Zagreb, Croatia
Carla Cunha, i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Porto, Portugal
Waeel Hamouda, Cairo University Medical school & Teaching hospitals, Cairo, Egypt
Ho-Joong Kim, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea
Hyeun Sung Kim, Nanoori Hospital Gangnam, Gangnam, South Korea
Ronald Lehman, New York Presbyterian Och Spine Hospital, New York, NY, USA
Bangping Qian, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
Veranis Sotirios, General Air Force and Reserve Hospital, Athens, Greece
Pieter-Paul Vergroesen, UMC Utrecht, the Netherlands
Michael Virk, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY, USA
Javad Tavakoli, University of Technology Sydney, NSW, Australia
Prajwal G.S., Mallika Spine Center, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Zhuojing Luo, Xijing Hosppital, Xi'an, China
Ram Kiran Alluri, USC Spine Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Sathish Muthu, Government Medical College Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, India
Matt Gary, Emory University, Atlanta GA, USA
Xiaolong Chen, Department of Orthopaedics, Xuanwu Hospital Capital Medical University, Beijing, China
Jason Pui Yin Cheung, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Jun S.Kim, Mount Sinai West, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA
Philip Louie, Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle, WA, USA
Roger Hartl, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, USA
Hai Van Le, Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA, USA
Xiaolong Chen, Xuanwu Hospital Capital Medical University, Beijing, China
Laura Scaramuzzo, IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute, Milan, Italy
Julia Wolfram, Klinik Floridsdorf, Vienna, Austria
Knowledge Forum Manager
“The AO Spine Knowledge Forum Degenerative is entering an expansion phase. We welcome members to apply for associate membership to join our studies and research topics.”
S. Tim Yoon, Chairperson KF Degenerative, Research Commission member