Endoscopy or Complications with a twist, pick your theme for AO Davos Courses 2022

This year AO Davos Courses for Spine focus exclusively on two hot topics. Choose between a full-stack program on complications or a double-bill of endoscopy, from principles to advanced skills.
Both tracks can be attended in full, or you can select the module most relevant for you at this point. Click on the event title for full details.
Complications face-to-face—this you didn't learn in training
Complications is a question of survival, also yours. Adverse events happen, and things don't always go to plan. Some of the risks are due to the procedures, but some are avoidable and can be attributed to the surgical team and how prepared we are.
Whether pre-operative, intra-operative, or post-operative, surgeons need to know how to deal with complications from a clinical perspective, but also from legal, ethical, and psychological perspectives.
The AO Davos Courses 2022 for Spine now brings you two courses that cover the entire spectrum with supplementary online learning at your own pace.
Self-directed learning for Complications events is open from November 13–December 3, 2022.
AO Spine Seminar—Navigating Spinal Care and Complications: Clinically, Ethically, and Legally | December 4–7, 2022
The complications seminar for spine surgeons with a unique twist. Led by Rick Bransford and Jim Harrop, it will be relevant regardless of where you are based. It will provide perspectives on:
- Clinical approaches to serious complications, including irreparable injuries, paralysis, and death
- Avoiding compensable events, Risk management, and how to prepare for the worst
- Talking with the family

Rick Bransford

Jim Harrop
From Cockpit to Operation Room: What can Surgeons Learn from Pilots to Improve Quality and Reduce Complications
| December 7–9, 2022
Did your dreams of flying turn into nightmares about making a fatal mistake? You are not alone. Sit into the flight simulator in Davos with course leaders Lorin Benneker and Alpaslan Senkoylu and start navigating those stressful situations, where you are the one responsible for making life and death decisions.

Lorin Benneker

Alpaslan Senkoylu
Endoscopy online!
Self-directed learning for Endoscopy courses is open from November 13–December 5.
Principles Endoscopy | December 3–5, 2022
Are you a surgeon just starting to work in endoscopy? If yes, this is the first must-do course for you, led by Frank Hassel and Alejandro Morales Ciancio. You can continue directly to the Advanced Course and benefit from both in one go.

Frank Hassel

Alejandro Morales Ciancio
Advanced Endoscopy | December 8–10, 2022
For the first time ever, AO Spine offers in-depth discussions on advanced endoscopic surgical techniques with world-class masters, led by Junseok Bae and JS Luke Kim: lumbar, cervical, and thoracic spine, cervical disc herniation, foraminal stenosis, degenerative cervical myelopathy, thoracic disc herniation, and thoracic stenosis.

Junseok Bae

JS Luke Kim

“The complications seminar in Davos is unique in that this involves detailed discussion of all-real-life cases which led to very significant complications, of which many led to legal issues and settlements. A lawyer will help us understand the legal standpoint.
But we'll also cover appropriate communication with patients and families, the psychological side, the stress of going through litigation, and how to document and do depositions effectively. These are things you did not learn in training but are very relevant in the specialty in which we practice.”
Rick Bransford, AO Spine Education Commission Chairperson-elect

“I have to say that this year's Davos spine courses are laden with drama as well as expertise.
In addition to our Endoscopy courses—which have become the standard of learning in this field—we shall feel the atmosphere of the Courtroom in the Managing Complications course and pay a visit to the Cockpit with fighter and commercial pilots to see how they manage stress and get very close to excellence.
Having these two courses back-to-back may be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.”
Emre Acaroglu, AO Spine Education Commission Chairperson
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More about AO Davos Courses:
Access the AO Davos Courses website for latest news and information for all AO clinical specialties.