Meet the new AO Spine Council members in Germany

The new members were recently elected to the AO Spine Country Council in Germany and their three-year terms have commenced. The new officers were elected based on the votes cast by each country’s electorate of active members, and the results have been approved by the respective AO Spine Nomination Committees (NomCom).
The new Germany Country Council members are Robert Morrison (Chairperson), Karsten Schöller (Education Neurosurgery) Lennart Viezens (Education Orthopedics).
Robert Morrison (Chairperson)
The new Chairperson Robert Morrison aims for better involvement of members by allowing them to actively participate in the courses offered. He continues "the fellowships should also be better advertised to AO Spine Germany members. In addition, I also stand for closer ties with the neighboring countries in the DACH Region. AO Spine is a great organization that manages to pass on knowledge in a structured way like no other organization."

Karsten Schöller
(Education Neurosurgery)

Lennart Viezens
(Education Orthopedics)
Karsten Schöller said he is very interested in further developing the training program of the AO Spine in Germany together with his colleagues in the Council. "Here, I see myself as a team worker."
Lennart Viezens looks forward to promoting the interdisciplinary exchange between the colleagues involved and the industry and furthermore, "to be able to use the opportunity for multicenter research through the international networking of the AO Spine."
AO Spine Europe and Southern Africa congratulates the new members and wishes them the greatest success in their new position.
Find out more about AO Spine's Governance structure and bodies here.