AO VET/ARI Collaborative Research Grant 2024-2025: call for projects
Deadline: May 12, 2024

AO VET members actively pursuing musculoskeletal science research have a unique opportunity to get their projects funded, thanks to two new, 12-month AO VET/ARI Collaborative Research Grant 2025 awards.
Applicants must act quickly: The application deadline is end of the day Central European Time (CET), Sunday, May 12, 2024.
This grant is meant to support general research and surgery-related clinical research that will be undertaken completely or in part at the AO Research Institute Davos (ARI).
Projects should relate to unanswered questions in veterinary and/or comparative orthopedics, and the methods to be used should be aligned with ARI resources and expertise.
Available funding
Available funds are limited, and investigators are advised that proposed annual budgets should not exceed CHF 35,000 for a period of up to 12 months. It is anticipated that up to two awards will be granted in the 2025 funding cycle. Follow-on funding for a second year may be available but will be determined through a competitive application in the next award cycle.
Please note that the funds can only be used for the component of research completed in its entirety at ARI in Davos. One investigator per funded project gets the opportunity to visit ARI in Davos, Switzerland, for a 2-week Research Traveling Fellowship to share knowledge and meet and network with many people with the same interest. The scholarship covers the travel and accommodation expenses for a visit of up to 2 weeks in Davos.
The AO VET Research and Development Commission requires that the investigator visiting the ARI installations send a motivation letter describing the objectives of their collaboration with ARI.
Who can apply?
The principal investigator must be an active, paid-up member of AO VET at the time of grant submission.
Grants are also available to surgery residents who are encouraged to apply in collaboration with a more senior colleague. Grant recipients are encouraged to actively participate in the physical completion of the study at ARI. Alternatively, they may ask collaborators at ARI to complete the research on their behalf while remaining actively engaged in carrying the research to its completion. Assistance in identifying suitable ARI collaborators as well as information regarding the feasibility of your study is offered by Dr Caroline Constant, the ARI representative to the AO VET Research and Development Commission.
How to apply?
Submit your complete application through the online submission tool by May 12, 2024.
Applicants’ proposals must be submitted in English using the online application tool.
The online form will guide you in details through the submission process.
Application process
Only applications conforming with the guidelines and submitted by the deadline will be accepted for further consideration and reviewed. The following topics must be covered:
• Abstract of the research project
• Outline of the problem
• State-of-the-art in this field
• Applicants’ past research in this field
• Overarching goals, hypothesis, open questions, the aim of the project
• Detailed research plan
- Study subjects, specimens, or materials
- Effect and outcome variables
- Methods for taking measurements, data management, and statistical analysis, including estimation of sample size and power
• Relevance of the project and description of the expected impact of this project on veterinary and/or comparative orthopaedics
• Timelines
• Relevant literature by the applicant and by other authors
• Budget and budget justification
Carefully review the guidelines – in case of any questions contact us.
• Guidelines for AO VET/ARI Collaborative Research Grants
Submission for approval by ARI to Dr Caroline Constant, April 21, 2024, 23:59 CET |
April 21, 2024, 23:59 CET | Principal investigator |
Submission of the preproposal through the online application tool | May 12, 2024, 23:59 CET | Principal investigator |
Information about acceptance / rejection | July 2024 | AO NPR Staff |
Start accepted research projects | Spring 2025 | Principal investigator |
Spread the word
Please inform your colleagues and associates regarding the current call for projects. For further information and assistance, please contact AO Network Preclinical Services (NPR) staff at