AO Surgery Reference opens access to exclusive veterinary modules

Free of charge and for a limited time only, AO nonmembers have exclusive open access to two high-value veterinary modules in the award-winning AO Surgery Reference, a powerful online resource for the management of a vast variety of fractures.
Based on current clinical principles, practices, and available evidence, the AO Surgery Reference is designed to support surgeons’ day-to-day treatment planning, learning, and teaching. The AO Surgery Reference’s veterinary section contains content on fracture management in the horse, dog, and cat. Most anatomical regions are for AO VET members only.
Under a new initiative, AO Surgery Reference is granting open access to one equine and one small animal module three months duration through a rotational system. The initiative continues through 2025, offering nonmembers a vast array of equine and small animal fracture management content.
This expansion in accessibility opens the door for nonmembers to discover a wealth of knowledge published by the AO Surgery Reference on specific anatomical regions; topics include fracture treatment principles, patient positioning, approach, surgical techniques, and aftercare.
Current exclusive, open access modules:
Equine module: CMF
Small animal module: Dog: humeral shaft
AO VET members have unlimited access to all AO Surgery Reference modules. Become a member or renew your membership here.
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This initiative, is dedicated to promoting lifelong learning and step toward a more inclusive, collaborative, and well-informed future for orthopedic veterinarian surgeons.