Course material
Well prepared
AO course material plays an important role in supporting the quality of AO educational activities.
AO core values are immediately on view at the well-prepared courses and events (eg, AO Davos Courses).
For detailed information please
contact Communications &
Course material
Certificates, production workflow
Easy to handle
Two types of certificates are available for educational courses and membership.
Pre-printed forms and templates simplify the three-step-workflow. Depending on the type of certificate and sender, the workflow can be adapted.
Download additional guidelines:
– Course material
E-mail signature template and instructions are available :
Insite(AO employee access only)
Course material
Certificates, examples

Standard version AO, CD, Institutes
Content variable
Membership version for CD only (Example AO Spine)
Fixed contentCourse certificates, example AO Trauma

Contributers course certificate

Contributers course certificate
long participants name
Course participant certificate
example with no latin fontCourse material
Badges, production workflow
Easy to handle
Badges are produced individually for all types of courses and seminars. Most badges are used within the AO Davos Courses and have the appropriate sender. These badges are produced in a two-step workflow: A high-quality pre-print with a template generated from a database.
For courses or seminars held directly by AO, the clinical divisions or the institutes, templates are also available (without pre-print).
For detailed information please
contact Communications &
Course material
Badges, examples
AO Davos Courses badges (preprint and templates)

Example AO VET

Example AO Spine
special version with schedule on backAO badges for master brand and power brands (templates)

Example AO master brand