Complementary offerings table reference

Date and time
Event title
Location and info
Week 1
Sun, Dec 1
Opening Ceremony and Founders Reception
The AO's leadership welcomes a crowd of participants, faculty, industrial partners, and special guests to kick off the AO Davos Courses.
Congress Centre, Davos 1 and Foyer
Mon, Dec 2
Take your career to the next level!
Come by and engage with AO Faculty and experts from the field! Use this short session during the lunch break to connect and expand your network.
Congress Centre, AO experience, community area
Mon, Dec 2
AO Center visit
Insights into the AO Center Davos: Guided tour with explanations of clinically relevant projects.
AO Center; bus shuttle departs from the main entrance of the Congress Centre at 18.15
Mon, Dec 2
AO Trauma Fireside Chat
Post Traumatic Malalignment, presented by Mike Miranda, Matt Camuso, and Brett Christ.
Hotel Ameron
Registration on-site (Congress Centre)
Mon, Dec 2
Meet the Experts SHARD Session
VOLT Mini Fragment and VOLT Small Fragment Plating System; Christoph Sommer/Karl Stoffel.
Congress Centre, SHARD
Tue, Dec 3
Leading the Future with AO Access
Ready to play while shaping the future? Senior surgeons and thought leaders will guide you through a dynamic game and candid conversations on personal and professional growth. Let’s lead together!
Congress Centre, AO experience, community area
Tue, Dec 3
Meet the Experts SHARD Session
VOLT Wrist Treatment System; Martin Langer/Alex Lluch
Congress Centre, SHARD
Tue, Dec 3
Celebrate 20 years of AO Surgery Reference
Connect with editors, authors, and fellow users while honoring the success and impact of this essential educational resource.
Congress Centre, AO experience, community area
Tue, Dec 3
AO Davos Courses Night
An evening dedicated to exploring the AO experience and engaging with participants, faculty, and the wider AO community.
Congress Centre, AO experience
Wed, Dec 4
Meet the Experts SHARD Session
Distal Radius Intramedullary Nail; Martin Langer/Alex Lluch/Andreas Schweizer.
Congress Centre, SHARD
Wed, Dec 4
Unlock your potential with an AO membership
Networking with KOLs over lunch
Congress Centre, AO experience, community area
Wed, Dec 4
Bridging Generations: Meet & Eat
Network and discuss human factors in the OR with KOL’s and the young surgeon group over lunch.
Congress Centre, Chamonix Stage
Registration only
Wed, Dec 4
Tips & Tricks in Intraoperative Imaging
Siemens Healthineers demo
Congress Centre, SHARD
Wed, Dec 4
Research & Innovation: The AO Fracture Monitor
Smart implants in fracture aftercare: first experiences and future opportunities with Tim Pohlemann, Benedikt Braun, Steffen Roßlenbroich, Manuela Ernst.
Congress Centre, Chamonix Stage
Thu, Dec 5
Meet the Experts SHARD Session
VOLT Proximal Humerus Plating System; Simon Lambert/Joyce Koh.
Congress Centre, SHARD
Thu, Dec 5
How to start a case study
Can AI help you with a case preparation? Come by and engage with AO Faculty and experts from the field in this short session during lunch break.
Congress Centre, AO experience, community area
Thu, Dec 5
AO Trauma Fireside Chat
Challenges in Shoulder Trauma Beyond our Zone of Comfort; with Martin Jäger, Peter Cole, and Simon Lambert.
Hotel Ameron
Registration on-site (Congress Centre)
Fri, Dec 6
Meet the Experts SHARD Session
MatrixSTERNUM Fixation System; Stefan Schulz-Drost/Mario Gasparri
Congress Centre; SHARD
Week 2
Sun, Dec 8
Opening Ceremony and Founders Reception
The AO's leadership welcomes a crowd of participants, faculty, industrial partners, and special guests to kick off the AO Davos Courses.
Congress Centre, Davos 1 and Foyer
Mon, Dec 9
Take your career to the next level!
Come by and engage with AO Faculty and experts from the field! Use this short session during the lunch break to connect and expand your network.
Congress Centre, AO experience, community area
Mon, Dec 9
Treatment of bifocal cartilage lesions in the knee joint with an evidence-based single-stage procedure
Demonstration of the mini-open AMIC® procedure on a human specimen performed by PD Dr. med. Elmar Herbst, PhD and PD Dr. med. Christoph Kittl; sponsored by Geistlich.
Congress Centre, SHARD
Mon, Dec 9
Bridging Generations: Meet & Eat
Network and discuss human factors in the OR with KOL’s and the young surgeon group over lunch.
Congress Centre, room:  Flüela (Wandelhalle)
Registration only
Mon, Dec 9
AO Sports Fireside Chat
Surgical Consideration and Guide to Operating on Female Athletes
Congress Centre, Chamonix Stage
Registration only
Mon, Dec 9
AO Center visit
Insights into the AO Center Davos: Guided tour with explanations of clinically relevant projects.
AO Center; bus shuttle departs from the main entrance of the Congress Centre at 18.15
Tue, Dec 10
Leading the Future with AO Access
Ready to play while shaping the future? Senior surgeons and thought leaders will guide you through a dynamic game and candid conversations on personal and professional growth. Let’s lead together!
Congress Centre, AO experience, community area
Tue, Dec 10
Unlock your potential with an AO membership
Come by and engage with AO Faculty and experts from the field! Use this short session during the lunch break to connect and expand your network.
Congress Centre, AO experience, community area
Tue, Dec 10
AO Davos Courses Night
An evening dedicated to exploring the AO experience and engaging with participants, faculty, and the wider AO community.
Congress Centre, AO experience
Wed, Dec 11
How to start a case study
Can AI help you with a case preparation? Come by and engage with AO Faculty and experts from the field in this short session during lunch break.
Congress Centre, AO experience, community area
Wed, Dec 11
Tips & Tricks in Intraoperative Imaging
Siemens Healthineers demo
Congress Centre, SHARD
Wed, Dec 11
Research & Innovation: Momentum Health
How AO innovation funding fosters a cutting-edge technology in monitoring of spinal deformities; the experiences of an inventor and a surgeon.
Congress Centre, Chamonix Lounge