LCP Pediatric Hip Plate
The LCP Pediatric Hip is intended for use in pediatrics (children and adolescents from 216 years) and for small stature adult patients. Indications include intertrochanteric varus and valgus osteotomies, derotation osteotomies, combined intertrochanteric correction osteotomies, as well as femoral neck and pertrochanteric fractures.
The LCP Pediatric Hip adapts to the anatomy of the adolescent proximal femur. It features universal design for the left and right side. All implants are made of stainless steel and are available in two sizes: small for children from 48 years (depending on their physical development) and large for children from 816 years and small stature adults. The design of the plates for varus/valgus osteotomies, derotation osteotomies, as well as fracture stabilization is different as every plate is designed according to the special requirements.
The varus osteotomy plates have an offset (8 mm for small and 10 mm for large plates). All plates have 3 locking head screw holes in the upper part of the plate and 3 combination holes in the shaft, except for the fracture stabilization plate which has 4 holes in the shaft.
The two plates for varus osteotomies are available with either a 100 or a 110 screw angle which allows for placement of the proximal head screws in the center of the proximal head axis. The plate for valgus osteotomy is available with a 150 screw angle. The plate for trauma and derotation osteotomy has a 120 screw angle, according to a lower Centrum-Collum-Diaphysis (CCD) angle.
Depending on the indication, the LCP Pediatric Hip can be applied in two different surgical techniques:
If a maximal varus correction needs to be achieved, as for the treatment of adolescents with neuromusculary disease and nonwalking children, the so called fixed neck/shaft CCD angle technique is recommended. The plate defines the correction through the fixed plate-screw angle (100 or 110). This ensures optimal placement of the screws in the proximal head as well as a perfect correction.
If a defined-planned correction has to be performed, the calculated neck/shaft CCD angle technique is more appropriate. In this case, the selection of the optimal plate in the preoperative planning determines the placement of the proximal head screws according to the plate. This technique is recommended for idiopathic malpositions, morbus perthes, etc.
4-years-old female, CP, good walker
Fig. 1
Hip instability due to severe hip dysplasia and severe coxa valga
Fig. 2
Abduction shows an acceptable containment; a 35 varus OT bilateral in combination of a triple OT on the right is planned
Fig. 1-2
Intraoperative x-ray
Fig. 3-4
Postoperative x-ray with planned correction
Fig. 1-2
Postoperative x-ray with planned correction
Fig. 1
X-ray after 7 weeks, postoperative treatment with hip spica due to triple OT show good healing
Fig. 2
X-ray after 11 weeks, in turn the child can run well. The triple OT is now planned on the left!
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