Previous AO Annual Reports

Where collaboration accelerates innovation
At the AO, 2022 was a year in which our collaborative efforts were rewarded with innovations on all fronts.

A resilient AO looks forward
We are incredibly proud of how our family of surgeons and employees, who, through trying circumstances, came out of this difficult year stronger together.

A year out of the ordinary
In 2020, the world faced unprecedented challenges due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, which has impacted our lives and ways of working. Throughout the crisis, the AO has demonstrated, above all, its commitment to the health, safety, and well-being of our officers, faculty, course participants, and staff across the globe.

A year of change and development
In 2019, the AO enhanced its focus on meeting the needs of its global network with new technologies, new formats, and new approaches. We rolled out our new branding and launched myAO, your digital gateway to expertise, education, and innovation, at our 2019 flagship event, the AO Davos Courses.

A living legacy
In 2018 the AO celebrated the first 60 years of its history. This milestone offered the AO time to take stock and contemplate on the challenges the AO founders faced as they worked to gain acceptance for their new approaches—which are now the gold standard in the surgical treatment of fractures and musculoskeletal disorders.